One Love

One Love
"We need to move beyond the idea of 'environment' and fall back in love with Mother Earth." ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Monday, September 29, 2014

It's no longer summer

This weekend it hit me, summer is over. It won't get up to 90 degrees and I won't swim over lunch break but it's the perfect time to go camping.

In my opinion, snowfall, the ocean and fire are three of the most mesmerizing natural occurrences. Furthermore, food cooked over the campfire tastes so much better then food cooked in the oven. We were lucky to have the best campfire cook with us! Mark cooked foil packs of sweet potatoes, onions and squash from the Bentonville Farmers Market. The meat eaters enjoyed chicken from Adams Acres on Clear Creek.

I am pretty sure that the dogs had the best weekend ever! They enjoyed swimming, sleeping in the tent and being around their people. Keema continues to amaze me with her sweet and gentle soul, I know she is here to teach me something. Dogs really make you see what it is like to live in the moment. They weren't depressed by the past or anxious for the future, they just enjoyed.

I hope that you have a chance to go out and connect this fall. Connect with nature, other living beings and your friends; feel what it is like to disconnect from whatever it is that doesn't concern you in that moment. Truly find joy in just being here, now.

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